How to Avoid Copyright Infringement on Pinterest

How to Avoid Copyright Infringement on Pinterest

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Pinterest is a fantastic platform for gathering ideas, but avoiding copyright infringement is essential. Here's how to do it.

Pinterest is a hot topic when it comes to copyright, but the site is doing its best to protect artists. You can contribute by being careful when pinning or using images.

Understanding Pinterest’s Copyright Policies
Pinterest takes copyright infringement very seriously. The platform responds quickly to complaints from creators, in accordance with the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

If you own art you post on Pinterest, only you have the right to use it outside of the social network—unless you give someone explicit permission.

On Pinterest, you can block users and prevent them from repinning your art. Alternatively, you can report a pin that violates your copyright. If you pin artwork without permission and the owner catches you, they can have Pinterest take down your post. Repeated violations can lead to restricted pinning privileges or account suspension.

Tips for Pinning Images on Pinterest
To protect your art on Pinterest and avoid accidentally infringing on others' rights, follow these tips:

Use Pinterest Buttons: If you find an image online, check if the website has Pinterest sharing buttons. If so, you can pin freely, but it's good etiquette to acknowledge the original creator.

Get Permission: If there are no sharing buttons, contact the owner for permission before pinning.

Respect Usage Rights: Even with permission, there may be restrictions, such as not being allowed to edit the image. Always attribute the original owner in your pin description and link to their website if possible.

Use Free-to-Use Images: Create content using free-to-use images. Familiarize yourself with Creative Commons and non-commercial content. Public domain images are also safe to use.

Repinning on Pinterest
Unless a creator blocks you or explicitly states that their images are not for sharing, you can repin their art. However, it's always a good idea to mention and link to their profile and website.

Before repinning, ask yourself:

Where did the picture come from?
Was it pinned legally?
Does someone own the rights to this image?
Is there clear attribution on the Pinterest post?
Ensure there’s no copyright infringement. If it belongs to someone and the original pinner hasn’t cited them, reach out to the creator for your own permission.

Using Pinterest Images
Pinterest is all about sharing pictures, but copyright laws still apply, especially when sharing content from outside the platform. Generally, the rules are similar and depend on clear communication.

Research the Image and Its Source: If it’s from the public domain or has a CC logo, it’s safe to use. If it belongs to someone, get their permission first.

Give Proper Credit: Always give credit as requested by the owner. For websites or digital formats, add links to their domain.

Even if not required, it's good etiquette to credit the artist. Consider doing this for every post to maintain a positive and respectful community.

Feeling Safe as a Pinterest Creator
With the Creator Code and enforced copyright policies, Pinterest is becoming a more positive place. Learn what you can and cannot do when sharing images to keep penalties away and respect others' artistic expressions.

For more detailed guidelines and best practices, you can visit this resource.

By following these tips, you can enjoy using Pinterest safely and without worrying about copyright infringement.

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